

9.00 - Introduction -  Hi my name is...

9.15 - Learning in Our Classroom - In room 22 today we...

9.30 - Interview- someone at school.

9.50  - Cultural Sustainability- How do you maintain your culture? Miss Fa'alava'au.

10.15 - Buddy Class Reading - Junior s get to share their books and written stories on the radio

10.30 - School Notices -  English

11.15 - The Arts Report - Touch boy and Girl Captains.

11.30 - Entertainment: Someone sings or raps or tries to be funny eg. Reuben Tiare Vicky Diariey Anne (etc)...

12.00 - News at Midday- From NZ Herald.

12:15 - Top 10 movies- From Flick

12:30 -  The Arts Report - School Band Interview  from Bandquest

12:45 - Te Reo Maori - Students from Room 10/9

1.00 - Lunch Top 20 Songs

1.45-2.00 - Music Break

2:00 - Community and School News Update -

2.30 - Celebration in the Park 2012 - Update with

2.45 - Signing Off